DD Reptiles

Recognize The Signs: Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome) – Every Second Counts

Infantile spasms, also known as West syndrome, is a rare and serious type of epilepsy that affects babies. If not addressed and diagnosed promptly, these seizures could cause developmental problems. As a parent, being aware of the symptoms of infantile spasms can have a profound impact for your child’s future.

Spasms in infants: symptoms and warning signs to watch out for

Spasms in infants are usually subtle and can be mistaken as normal movements in babies. There are certain indicators to be aware of.

The sudden jerks. The spasms are usually felt in the neck or upper body of a newborn baby. This can cause them to rapidly turn forward. Legs and arms may also flex or extend rapidly.

In clustered episodes, the snaps may occur in clusters of several spasms in short periods of time (seconds to minutes). These clusters can occur repeatedly throughout the daytime.

Change in expression: Babies may cry out or seem agitated during flashes.

The Power of Video Capturing Infantile spasms to Early diagnosis

It is essential to be on the lookout for time if you suspect your child could have spasms in the infant. Every minute counts towards ensuring the diagnosis is made early and treatment. A video recording can save your life:

Visual evidence When you document your child’s muscle spasms, you will provide your doctor with important visual evidence to diagnose. These minor events can be overlooked during a doctor’s visit.

The video will enable doctors to make an accurate diagnosis of infantile spasms and also distinguish them from other types or seizures.

Rapider treatment: A rapid diagnosis allows treatment to begin swiftly which could reduce the risk of developmental delays associated with non-treated infantile spasms.

Act Now if you Suspect Infantile Spastics

If you observe your baby having suspected infantile spasms

Capture a video using your phone or camera to record a clear video of the spasms, recording as much detail as you can.

Call your pediatrician immediately The moment you can get your child evaluated by a pediatrician can be crucial. You should explain your concerns and then share the video. Be sure to emphasize the urgency.

Take your child and the video to the nearest emergency room which provides care for children if you are required to seek urgent care.

Early intervention is essential in ensuring your child’s future

Infantile spasms have the potential to cause serious developmental setbacks which can result in a range of issues, including autism spectrum disorder as well as cerebral palsy. Rapid diagnosis and intervention is paramount in optimizing the prospects for your child’s recuperation and attaining normal milestones in development. There are many options available for infantile spasms. These include dietary and medical regimens. If the problem is serious, surgery may be needed. By promptly addressing this condition by implementing appropriate medical care, parents can enhance the likelihood of minimizing long-term effects and aiding their child’s progress toward better motor and cognitive functioning.

Do not ignore your gut feeling if you suspect there’s something an issue with your baby. It’s always better to be safe than being sorry. You can help your child keep them healthy and happy by being informed about the signs and symptoms of infantile sprains. If you see them, make a video and seek medical attention right away.


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